photo credit: COVID-19: NOT ALL SHADES OF GRAY The coronavirus typical of all infectious virus requires a living host to multiply and thrive however living outside a living host the virus can survive ranging from hours to days. In the survival and spread techniques of such infectious microorganisms it's seen as they are dependent on human behaviors, habits to ensure their conquest. Where some host are not hurt by the virus may yet serve as reservoir for these harmful pathogens. Over time humans have been affected by different disease having pathogenic origin of bacteria, viruses, fungi, helminths and protozoans which could be primary or as a result of secondary infections, all of which have the capacity of causing ill- health . The coronavirus have been accused of being the destroyer of worldwide economy, the killer of humans and the narrator of the times as the virus permits. Enough of all this scientific facts. Before the advent of the novel coronavirus, Afr...
...Nature, at its originality