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MARABOU STORK (Leptoptilos crumeniferus)

The Marabou stork ( Leptoptilos crumeniferus) is a really huge scavenger bird found in close association with the vultures. They visit villages, abattoir, and slaughter slabs. They  are usually silent but make a clacking sound with their bill at there nests. This stork was captured at Forfore Local Govt. Area of Adamawa State; the North Eastern part of Nigeria. This stork was collected from poachers now kept in the Jimeta Amusement Park and temporal Zoo.


Antelopes at the river bank feeding and drinking water early in the morning. This live picture was taken at the North Eastern part of Nigeria.


have you considered the feeding habit and what the African elephant feeds on? here are but a few of what they feed on; the Baobab tree ( Adamsonia digitata) , the onion-like root and the root of other unidentified plants. 


Loxodonta africana ( the African Elephant); this photo was taken at the North Eastern park of Nigeria, showing a herd of elephants at a National Park.


  wild hog. This hog was retrieved from poachers  and kept at a Park environment to rejuvenate, before returning it back to the wild.

SNOWY CROWN ROBIN-CHAT (Cossypha niveicapilla)

Snowy crowned Robin-chat; Cossypha niveicapilla nestlings during their breeding season between October and November. This bird species was observed from egg until the time they were old enough to fly. At maturity both sexes are similar, has a short tail compared to one of its allied species, the white crowned robin-chat. Only the center of the crown is white while the sides being black like that of the cheeks as seen in the images above. This bird species mimics varied calls of other species thus, during identification it is can be quite difficult to tell from its calls although it has its peculiar call. This image was taken at the North Eastern Nigeria


  Nuclear latifolia shown above at different reproductive stages from flowering to fruiting, however, the ripening stage is not shown. The ripening of the fruit is seen when the fruit turn dark-red, it has a really sweet fruity scent and numerous seed within the core of the fruit covered by a fleshy cover which is eaten. The agents of seed dispersion are mammals and aves. This image was gotten at The North Eastern Nigeria at Taraba-Baruwa Local Government Area and at Adamawa-Mubi North Local Govt. Area. 


ROAN ANTELOPE CARCASS murdered by poachers at Gashaka-Gumti National Park- along Mayo-Kam river. This rare antelope photo shows the wound inflicted on the animal was by guns and blades. This antelope is a rare species, almost absent species of the park. This photos explains why the fit the criteria of being in the endangered species list. protection and conservation can not be over emphasized in Western Africa; Nigeria. 


These four different species of ferns are the most seen ferns in North Eastern Nigeria generally. Some of them grow on dead matter and others on living trees; they are mostly associated with wet areas.

SALT LICK (Natural salt lick)

Salt-licks are places where natural mineral salt from beneath the earth surface sips out to the outermost surface, where they can be utilized by animals. These salt forms an integral part of the animals diet, as these salts aids digestion and maintaining salt balance of the body. There are varied salt licks but mainly; Natural salt lick and the man made or artificial salt lick. The photos above are natural salt lick, these photos were taken at the North Eastern part of Nigeria; Gashaka-Gumti National Park at Taraba State- Mayo Jarandi. The hoof-print belongs to a duiker; this salt lick is shaded from the typical tropical sunshine, thus, the temperature is maintained at fairly cold compared to other areas within the same habitat. The salt lick harbors different animal species including herbivores like, bush bucks, water bucks, western hartebeests, yellow backed duikers, the red backed duikers, the roan antelopes, the savannah and water buffalos, elephants, red river hogs ...


This Gigantic testudine  most likely Testudo elephantopus is the largest i have yet seen. This photo was taken during a 6 month work experience with the Nigerian Park Service; at Gashaka-Gumti National Park.  

BABOONS (Papio anubis)

Baboons ( Papio anubis); This beautiful primates were captured on the camera at Gashaka village of Taraba State; protected within the Gashaka-Gumti National Park-within Filinga Range. These primates are gregarious living within groups of varied sizes. A group is always led by an alpha male which mates all the adult females within the group and protects them; groups comprises of different age range, sub-adults, infants, juveniles. The life of a baboon is intriguing as they chastise their young, show of envy for male that attempts mating the adult females within the group but they show love and care- this is built over time by some day to day rites they show each other-for example; picking of lice form one which is reciprocated by the initial benefactor. These primates deserve protection; we are obligated to protect them as they have the right to live, lets give them the chance.    

Spur winged plover (Vanellus spinosus)

Spur winged plover ( Vanellus spinosus ) are similar in sex both male and female.crest, crown, black side of the neck; line encircling crown white;eye wattle red. upper part greyish-brown and brown vertical bars at the wing coverts at the position of the primary covert. white cheek and sides of the neck, black throat and breast. these birds are noisily aggressive at there nesting territory, flying and crying above intruders. this video was made at lake Gario at the North Eastern Nigeria, Adamawa State.   

yellow wagtail

yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava) ; this paleatic migrant was captured on camera at the North Eastern part of Nigeria, Adamawa State. it is distinguished by its yellow underpart, its long tail. it was mostly sighted at rice field as shown in the picture above. the area of photo capture is a lakeside; lake Gareo at Yola North local Govt. area. this bird is observed by day forage in any open space where there are supply of insects. insect availability is ensured by the irrigation practice at the area.